Sunday, April 20, 2008

Terminator logic


"'I have concluded
that this project is
essential to protect
our environment
and the quality of life
for everyone in California,'
Schwarzenegger said in
a letter to Patrick Kruer,
chairman of the Coastal Commission.

"'The project can be built
in a manner that will enhance
and foster use of the coast
and protect coastal resources.'"

aka - pave over a State Park
and sacred Native American
history - destroy the last
healthy coastal water's
in 600-miles of SoCal
coastline - all for a private
toll road less than 20% of
the public will ever travel -
and not help I-5 traffic a lick?

Obviously, prolonged steroid
use by males shrink organs
other than just the testes.

Save Trestles
Save San Onofre
Save Panhe

Save us

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