To: Brad Pomerance
Brad - a weak report brother.
And, you have some basic TCA facts wrong - with key info left out:
1. TCA's 'paved' toll roads are now 51 miles - not 67 miles.
Add in the 241-extension's proposed 16-miles, and you get 67-miles.
The debated 16-mile extension would begin at Oso Pkwy, not Rancho
Santa Margarita, The 241 is already at RSM. County approved RSM's
development (back-when, 20 years ago?) was based on the 241 being
paved there.
Go ask toll-burdened RSM'ers how they like living with only a toll-road
to get home on - and how they creatively avoid it.
2. TCA's spokes-gal neglects to inform OC's commuting public, a 241 from
Trestles to the 91, would (today) cost "$15" one-way (according to TCA).
Make that $25 by the time the loser road would ever be paved (which it won't be).
3. Precisely because of TCA's huge projected toll, OCTA deems the
Trestles-leg superfluous to reducing I-5 traffic - and by 2025 would
be the least traveled pavement in South County.
In simple language: "No One Will Afford To Drive It!!!!" Get It?
4. TCA's Jeff Bott's 'win-win' is just more bogus TCA-spin.
Last time TCA talked about toll roads here going-Freeway,
was 2-tears ago. The date they projected was 2045, heading
to 2065, with an open door - as in NEVER.
Dude, it's the Golden Gate Bridge Promise.
A fat, failing, bloated, tax-payer-sucking bureaucracy looking
for more of the same, while stalling our freeways, where 90%
of us drive, at the peril of TCA's Non-Compete-Agreements
and TCA's clearly discriminative Congestion-Pricing model.
I told you all of this.
You have it on tape.
Where the hell was it?
You stooged us bro - big-time.
Your report was typically status quo biased TCA BS.
Jack and me got up early, to meet you on Del Mar - for our 2-seconds of Truth?
Next time - just ask TCA - they seem to have the answers KDOC likes.
FACT: TCA is a failed financial plan masquerading as a transportation model.
You set me up.
And now, you're setting-up the County.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
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