Sunday, April 20, 2008

SoCal Surfers Unite - over Trestles



Trestles -

Point of Clarification: Mayor Jim Don't Surf - San Clemente
Mayor Jim Dahl (supports destroying Trestles) - a surfer? Ha!

JD hasn't waxed his board in 45 years. Recently retired from
SC's Fire Dept - cause: Bad Back, is Chairperson of the 73
(failed) toll road here - also sits the 241 toll road board.

JD's a paid, perked, 10-year employee of the TCA aka OC's
toll road pavers.

Fact: OCTA - OC's grand pooh-bah of OC-transportation
deems a Trestles toll road 'superfluous' to all OC traffic:
OCTA MIS 07 Study.

Locally referred to as 'the road to nowhere good' with
a potential $12 to $20 one-way toll no one will ever drive
would destroy 60% of Cal's 5th most popular State Park
while polluting the LAST 'heathy wave' in 600-miles of
SoCal coastline from the Tijuana border north, and do
zip for traffic here.

A grossly unaffordable toll.

Jerry Collamer

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