Sunday, April 20, 2008

TCA - is OC's Circus Act



Response to LATimes (Cal-section), Sat., Ap-5-08
LAT Headline: Toll Agency appeals for calm.

TCA complains, us State-Park-Loving citizens
do protest too much TCA's skewed misinformation
as TCA finagles to pave thru world renowned San Onofre
State Beach Park for a private toll-road to nowhere
few would ever afford at $15 one-way. As gas soars
past $4. This is TCA's answer to relieving OC traffic?
So what's not to scream about?
TCA lawyer Thorton claims booing ensued at Feb. 6th's
Del Mar Coastal Commission's Public Hearing while
TCA's MacLean complains "meeting was chaotic."
Yet it was TCA who bused-in 100's of orange-shirted,
placard-waving "laborers" chanting "Toll Road!,"
clueless to why they were there except for TCA's
free lunch and 8-hour stipend.
MacLean complains the Hearing took place in Del Mar?
In North San Diego County? In a room large enough
to house 3,500 park-loving citizens comfortably (with
a 1000 more outside) for 18-long hours?
But San Onofre State Beach Park sits solely in North
San Diego County - Not OC. Does TCA's wrong-way
MacLean deny geographic reality too?
After 21 traffic boondoggling years, TCA still doesn't
know where it's going. It could make ya'scream.

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