Today - Saturday - Oct. 8-07 - pix-10:30 a.m. Trestles

You heard it here - cancel the buses,stop the presses - don't order pizza,cancel your reservations at San Pedro's4-Seasons for Oct. 11th -
because TCA bonked today.
They pulled their Oct 11th request / application off CCC's table.
We won't be going to San Pedro.
TCA said they have too much environmental stuff to review.Maybe their lobbyists are slow readers?Anyway it's off.For now.But stayed tuned, and stay alert, because like the fluTCA shall return.
We can wonder, but we can't know why they canceled.But know this - if TCA thought they had a winning hand,they would not have canceled.
Public opinion is with us.More everyday.70% of OC's public give a resounding "No!!!" to a toll roaddissecting San Onofre State Park.Our state's 5th most popular.The last healthy coastal water in 600-miles of SoCal's coastline.
Lose that to a private toll road with a $15 to $20 one-way toll?No wonder OCTA deemed it superfluous to easing traffic anywhere in OC.
Today (Sat) began with breakfast at San Mateo Campground(hosted by Rebecca Robles and her Acjachemen tribal members) -then a hike, finishing with a 10:30 Paddle-Out at Trestles.
The over 300-participants attending the breakfast,the hike and the paddle-out are proof San Onofre State Beach Parkis a place to be revered and protected - forever.
TCA balked today.
The Spirit of SaveTrestles is Great, and growing.
Remember this - everyday there's no toll roadto Trestles - we've Saved Trestles -and everything good.
Onward Cristianitos Soldiers -
our path is straight and true.
We did it again today.
Spread the word,
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