Friday, April 11, 2008

boondoogled road plan heads to shredder


Like the ill-fated, nonsensical El Toro
International 20-odd year OC dust-up,
the longest running boondoggled Road
to Nowhere Plan (241-south ext toll road)
hopefully has met it's maker and SoCounty's
freeway jam-ups will finally get the attention
they (we) deserve. At $12 to $20 bucks a
one-way toll who among us would drive a
Trestles extension? Only Mayor Dahl, who
gets his toll perked by TCA anyway.
Lose our State Park to a literally "useless"
road to nowhere? Not.
Whatever koolaide flavor TCA serves its
toll road minions, let's thank our lucky stars
not everyone in OC, or SD, or DC is gulping
it down.
New Rules - soon as the Trestles toll road
plan is dead and buried - for good - let's
bury the TCA completely, and turn every
OC toll road to Free-ways...and let our
traffic flow. We pay for OC's toll roads,
why shouldn't we be able to drive them?
As for the scare tactic: toll-road-down Pico,
that will happen about the time Mayor
Dahl becomes SC's first elected to land
on Mars, and or La Pata gets paved.
If TCA offers you koolaide, don't drink it.

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