Friday, April 11, 2008

TCA gets CEO


TCA's got itself a new CEO,
ex Bay Area Rapid Transit head,
Tom Margro - 62 @ $225K annually.

Tom's task - you guessed it.
Get that pesky Trestles Toll Road paved - State Parks be damned!

It's been 4-years since Wally K left TCA's CEO thorny throne. Wally couldn't get the $4Billion merger thingy done - he's working for the Great Park - rumored to be piloting the G-Park's 1st tangible accomplishment - it's hot-air balloon ride (we kid Wally).

Willy Woollett Jr (102 years old, not kidding) held down Wally's ex-hot seat for the past many years as TCA's CEO talent search continued. Woollett was a past tough-task- master of the TCA - brought-up (dug-up?) from TCA's retirement home of ex CEO's to fill Wally's smoldering seat cushion.

That ol'Will Woollett is mostly deaf with failing eyesight and spotty memory seemed a perfect fit for TCA's last 3 or so years of leadership.

Let's all wish new CEO Tom just as much luck as his 2 predecessors had in completing TCA's superfluous toll road to nowhere.

New CEO Tom once worked for New Jersey's Turnpike Authority.

Bada Bing!

FYI - or more details on CEO Tom - google him.
Seems he's employed by BART until June 29th.
Reason given for leaving BART - to spend more time with family? TCA's truth-train rolls on.

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