Kevin Kehoe ("Build The 241," LTE, Mon-June-9) surfs in a majority of one - as he would destroy Trestles / San Onofre State Beach Park thru personal slander and misinformation to achieve what end - another OC toll road serving too few at the cost of 'the many?' Mr. Kehoe's paddling upside down on his so called surfboard. No wonder he's all wet.
To the editor: Mr. Kehoe, labeling concerned OC citizens "eco-nazis?" is worrisome, but not unexpected - as the development community here 'tanks' in its self-created economic sub-prime disaster, dragging the county, the state, the nation, even foreign markets down in another OC-generated out-of-control greed-driven screw-up.
That you "ink" Mr. Kehoe's hate-filled rambling is certainly dangerous, but again, not unexpected. I subscribe to the OC Reg., and will continue to, monitoring OC's Daily dark-side of self interest you apparently relish. When lies no longer work to one's larcenous goals, what's left but the bully-tactics of slander and vicious personal attacks to achieve hateful, wrongheaded ends - by any means.
Eco-nazis? Hmm.
Obviously you realize the potential personal danger you put every environmentally concerned OC citizen in, by encouraging crazy-talk from the likes of Mr. Kehoe. Or do you?
When the county bankrupted - it was because no-one was watching the store.
When our Sheriff went off track - it was because no one was watching the sheriff.
When a Supervisor sleeps-it-off on the County Court House front lawn - with repeated rumors of bad-acting, who's watching the Supe's?
As admitted by Supervisor Campbell, our toll roads are tanking worse than ever. Considering the 73 toll road has failed since day-one, that's a scary admission. No one knows better than Mr. Campbell.
Quixotically, OC "Influential's" are pushing hard towards another unaffordable toll road snafu. When objective-observers point this out, he or she are labeled eco--nazi's?
TCA toll roads fail 'the majority' of OC commuters 24-7.
Not withstanding their environmental destruction, their private purpose runs counter to OC's transportation needs.
Mr. Kehoe is drunk with TCA koolaide. Many in the county are - but many in the county are not. As gas soars to $5 a gallon, a sober majority of OC commuters have woken to the fast & loose transportation / toll road chicanery OC's development community conjured to facilitate South County build-out when the State said no more freeways.
TCA is a scam, and a determent to OC's commute. Call us what you will, but we're not going away, as our numbers grow exponentially. Mr. Kehoe is a sad, clueless majority of one.
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