OC's eyes wide shut, but the worm never sleeps
(Supe's snooze as Reality comes to OC)
If we are what we read, eat, hear and see,
then OC is in serious trouble of striking out.
With our World zooming to 'renewables'
(finally) - oil, a shrinking commodity, profiteers
hawk Nuke-power as the second coming.
But one must ask, "What about Nuke's
ever-lasting too-hot-to-handle by-product
Spent-Fuel-Rods? They never ever cool.
Incased in concrete prayers, we pass our
dangerous, deadly legacy on to our great,
great, great, great, great grandchildren.
Thanks a hot-heap grandpa.
But the worm has turned neighbor.
Future Shock is here.
In 1972 Alvin Toffler wrote,
"In the three short decades between now
and the twenty-first century, millions of
ordinary, psychologically normal people
will face an abrupt collision with the future."
Who knew it would be at our gas-pump?
Our light bulb?
Our commute?
Our addiction to oil, suddenly unaffordable.
OC's daily car commute - unaffordable.
Still OC's Supervisors crazily champion
more Toll Roads; unaffordable to ordinary,
psychologically normal people wondering
HOW we'll afford to get to work tomorrow,
as OC's development interests slither
under political backdoors, paving TCA's
way to ever more freeway congestion.
Gated highways to Gated communities.
Self serving private highways for the few,
as the-many sit stalled in freeway traffic.
When LA saw the light (rail), laying track in
every direction, OC Supervisors (here and now)
scoffed at rail commuting as not the OC way.
With eyes wide shut they rabidly endorse
TCA's failed toll road system - "Build More!!!"
cried the village idiot as the ground beneath
him caved from the weight of his own Reality.
Memo to OC Supes:
Can't see the future with your eyes wide shut -
Memo to OC Public: On July 24th or 25th (TBD)
at the Bren Center, UCI Irvine (exact day to be
announced) ordinary, psychologically normal
people like YOU will have the opportunity to
tell our Fed Commerce Department,
"NO Toll Road to Trestles.
A dumb transportation concept, out of step with
the times, with nature, and OC's REAL WORLD
everyday transportation needs. Just say no."
It will be an eye & ear popping experience.
Be there.
Or be asleep,
pass the word.
(Supe's snooze as Reality comes to OC)
If we are what we read, eat, hear and see,
then OC is in serious trouble of striking out.
With our World zooming to 'renewables'
(finally) - oil, a shrinking commodity, profiteers
hawk Nuke-power as the second coming.
But one must ask, "What about Nuke's
ever-lasting too-hot-to-handle by-product
Spent-Fuel-Rods? They never ever cool.
Incased in concrete prayers, we pass our
dangerous, deadly legacy on to our great,
great, great, great, great grandchildren.
Thanks a hot-heap grandpa.
But the worm has turned neighbor.
Future Shock is here.
In 1972 Alvin Toffler wrote,
"In the three short decades between now
and the twenty-first century, millions of
ordinary, psychologically normal people
will face an abrupt collision with the future."
Who knew it would be at our gas-pump?
Our light bulb?
Our commute?
Our addiction to oil, suddenly unaffordable.
OC's daily car commute - unaffordable.
Still OC's Supervisors crazily champion
more Toll Roads; unaffordable to ordinary,
psychologically normal people wondering
HOW we'll afford to get to work tomorrow,
as OC's development interests slither
under political backdoors, paving TCA's
way to ever more freeway congestion.
Gated highways to Gated communities.
Self serving private highways for the few,
as the-many sit stalled in freeway traffic.
When LA saw the light (rail), laying track in
every direction, OC Supervisors (here and now)
scoffed at rail commuting as not the OC way.
With eyes wide shut they rabidly endorse
TCA's failed toll road system - "Build More!!!"
cried the village idiot as the ground beneath
him caved from the weight of his own Reality.
Memo to OC Supes:
Can't see the future with your eyes wide shut -
Memo to OC Public: On July 24th or 25th (TBD)
at the Bren Center, UCI Irvine (exact day to be
announced) ordinary, psychologically normal
people like YOU will have the opportunity to
tell our Fed Commerce Department,
"NO Toll Road to Trestles.
A dumb transportation concept, out of step with
the times, with nature, and OC's REAL WORLD
everyday transportation needs. Just say no."
It will be an eye & ear popping experience.
Be there.
Or be asleep,
pass the word.
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